High biomass yield energy sorghum: developing a genetic model for C4 grass bioenergy crops
S. N. Olson, K. Ritter, W. Rooney, A. Kemanian, B. A. McCarl, Y. Zhang, S. Hall, D. Packer, and J. Mullet
Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (1 November 2012)
DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1357
A first-generation energy sorghum hybrid with enhanced photoperiod sensitivity and long growth duration accumulated more than twice as much biomass as grain sorghum. The energy sorghum produced more leaves (~45 vs 17–20), longer stems (~4 vs 1.5 meters) and had a higher stem-to-leaf biomass ratio than grain sorghum. At the end of the season, energy sorghum stems represented 83
keywords: bioenergy; sorghum; biomass; growth model; radiation use efficiency; greenhouse gas offset