The temperature dependence of feldspar dissolution determined using a coupled weathering–climate model for Holocene-aged loess soils
J. Z. Williams, J. Z. Bandstra, D. Pollard, and S. L. Brantley
Geoderma (15 April 2010)
DOI: 10.1016/j.geoderma.2009.12.029
Soils developed over the last 10–13 ky on Peoria loess along a transect parallel to the Mississippi River spanning ∼ 1600 km from north to south were investigated to estimate the effects of climate on rates of chemical weathering. In the 22 soils, Na concentrations generally decreased from parent composition to the surface, defining depletion profiles that document the weathering of plagioclase. The integrated fraction of Na (f) dissolved from each profile varied from ∼ 0 in the north to 26
keywords: Loess; Feldspar; Weathering kinetics; Climosequence; Activation energy; Global Climate Model